One Simple Activity to Get Your Baby Crawling

baby crawling tummy time example

Spencer cheers Noah on as he tries to crawl down a track.

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As someone who has spent decades working on the neurological development of children, I can tell you with certainty: the most important thing you can do for your baby is to let them spend plenty of time on their belly. This simple trick is key to your baby’s physical and neurological development. My father, Glenn Doman, and I co-authored a book about physical milestones from birth to age 6, and the first and most essential step in every baby’s development is “tummy time.” Glenn Doman called it “the floor as a way of life.” Movement is essential for all life: you, me, and especially babies. In this blog, I’ll explain why and how you can start incorporating this practical and effective practice into your baby’s daily routine today.

Why Tummy Time Matters

Putting your baby on the floor and giving them the freedom to move, or “Tummy Time,” is essential because it allows babies to begin developing their strength, coordination, and motor skills. When babies are placed on their bellies, they instinctively start to move their arms and legs. At first, these movements may be random and uncoordinated, but over time, the brain organizes this activity into purposeful movements like crawling.

Crawling, done in the prone position (with the tummy flat on the floor), is the first major milestone in a baby’s mobility. This principle is a cornerstone of Glenn Doman’s physical program for babies. It allows babies to:

  • Strengthen their arms, legs, and core muscles.
  • Improve their coordination through cross-pattern movements (left arm and right leg working together, and vice versa), which are foundational for walking.
  • Improve their breathing and overall metabolism, which supports better health and language development.
  • Explore their environment independently, learning through touch, sight, and interaction.
crawling baby during tummy time

The Science Behind Mobility and Brain Development

Glenn Doman always said, “Function determines structure.” Every time your baby moves their arms and legs while on their belly, their brain receives valuable feedback. This feedback helps the brain organize itself to make more efficient and purposeful movements. Babies who have the freedom to move develop stronger muscles, better respiratory function, and healthier overall development.

These principles are rooted in the Doman Method. Glenn Doman dedicated his life to understanding how mobility impacts brain development. His research has shown that mobility is directly tied to physiological health. Babies who are active are less likely to develop obesity, diabetes, and other health concerns later in life. Johns Hopkins research found that infants who are less physically active tend to accumulate more fat, which could increase their risk of obesity later in life, and the American Academy of Pediatrics now advises what Glenn Doman was saying decades ago. Follow the steps below to start giving your baby the freedom and opportunity to move, setting the stage for a lifetime of better health and development.

How to Create the Right Environment for a Baby to Move

To get the most out of tummy time, make sure your baby has a clean, warm, and safe space to move freely. Here are some tips to get started:

  1. Start Early: Begin tummy time as soon as your baby comes home from the hospital. Even just a few minutes a day can make a difference.

  2. Increase Gradually: As your baby becomes more comfortable, increase the amount of time they spend on their belly.

  3. Engage with Your Baby: Get down on the floor with them. Encourage them by placing toys or interesting objects just out of reach to motivate them to move.

  4. Make It Part of Their Routine: Incorporate tummy time into your daily schedule, such as after naps or diaper changes.

If you want to help your baby grow stronger and healthier, start with tummy time. It’s one of the simplest and most effective things you can do. Our book, Fit Baby, Smart Baby, Your Baby, goes into more detail about how to guide your baby through every stage of development, from birth to age six. Try tummy time today and see how your baby begins to develop with a little extra freedom to move. If you have any questions about your baby’s development or are interested in learning more about physical milestones contact us below!


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